School is back in session, and students are returning rested, regulated, and ready to learn. Right? While we hope this is true for everyone, we know many children struggle with the transition back into routine. This adjustment can be especially difficult for youth who have experienced trauma, making a strong support network essential to soften the transition.
CASA volunteers play a vital role in providing that support for children during this time. They might plan a calming activity to help the child decompress after their first day back, offer encouragement to ease any anxieties about returning to school, or collaborate with teachers to ensure their CASA youth’s unique needs are met. CASA volunteers are not only strong advocates for a child’s education but also a source of emotional stability, offering insights and perspective to help children navigate challenges in the classroom and beyond.
As children work through these transitions, the presence of a caring and consistent adult can make all the difference- turning moments of uncertainty into opportunities for growth and connection.
To help CASA volunteers excel in this critical role, VOICES provides a Back-to-School live training series at the beginning of each school year. We also recognize that education is a year-round priority for many CASA volunteers, which is why we offer on-demand training videos available any time. These resources ensure CASA volunteers have the tools, knowledge, and support they need to advocate for the children in their care- every step of the way.