Strengthening Advocacy Through Education – Supporting Youth in Times of Transition

Strengthening Advocacy Through Education – Supporting Youth in Times of Transition

by | Dec 7, 2023 | CASA Help Guides, VOICES News, VOICES News 2023

Many schools are out for Fall break and families in the valley are adjusting their schedules as the holidays are just around the corner. For youth in foster care, this time of the year can be especially challenging. As Bruce Perry stated, “The capacity to successfully transition from one place to another, one activity to another, one internal state to another is fundamentally related to the capacity to self-regulate.

And this, of course, is one of the main areas of difficulty with children and youth who have been exposed to developmental chaos, threat and trauma.”

For the adults who surround these youth, it’s important to anticipate when transitions are coming and to equip youth with the skills and support they need to stay regulated. In the next few weeks, VOICES will continue to provide CASA’s with educational webinars encompassing this topic of regulation and de-escalation. Participants will gain practical tools and expand their knowledge on trauma and how it can show up in times of transition. We are bringing back some well-received speakers such as Dr. Kevin Powell and Molly Strothkamp, as well as welcoming new faces such as Noelle Hause from Zero to Three. We look forward to connecting with CASA’s as they tune in to our upcoming training opportunities!

To learn more about mastering transitions, check out the following episode of the Empowered to Connect Podcast.

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Upcoming Events

March 15 (10:00 am)
Voices for CASA Children - 4300 North Miller Road 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
March 25 (06:00 pm)
Online Event


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