Reflections on Dependency Case Dismissal

Reflections on Dependency Case Dismissal

by | Dec 7, 2023 | VOICES News, VOICES News 2023

CASA Volunteers are excited when first appointed to a child dependency case. They study the various case notes and then meet the child. CASAs commit to staying with that child until they are permanently placed in a home and the dependency case is dismissed. CASAs may feel a sense of accomplishment knowing the impact they made on those involved in the case. However, the transition can also be bittersweet because these youth have made a forever impact on the volunteers.

Voices of CASA Children and CASA of Maricopa County are proud to host gatherings where CASA volunteers with cases that have closed can come together to connect, engage, share, and reflect on their experiences. While each case – each child – is different, there is a profound recognition that regardless of the outcome, the CASA brought light, a voice, and hope to a child.

As one CASA volunteer shared, “Attending the Reflections event was a wonderful opportunity to share with my fellow CASA’s the experience of our journey as advocates. The good, the bad, and how we feel about our kiddos moving forward. It was comforting to me to be able to share this bittersweet time and to feel hope for the future of kiddos in foster care. It is easy to see the true impact CASA’s have made on the foster care community.”

If you would like more information on becoming a CASA volunteer, please join us for an upcoming Information Session.

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Upcoming Events

March 15 (10:00 am)
Voices for CASA Children - 4300 North Miller Road 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
March 25 (06:00 pm)
Online Event


Thank you for your interest in becoming a CASA.

After completing this form you will be directed to the CASA volunteer application which is located on the CASA of Maricopa County website. If you have any questions please contact us at

Thank you! You will now be directed to the CASA application. Feel free to call us during business hours - (480) 685-4888.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a CASA.

After completing this form you will be directed to the CASA volunteer application which is located on the CASA of Maricopa County website. If you have any questions please contact us at

Thank you! You will now be directed to the CASA application. Feel free to call us during business hours - (480) 685-4888.

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