My CASA Journey – Maintaining Sibling Connections

My CASA Journey – Maintaining Sibling Connections

by | Apr 15, 2024 | CASA Help Guides, VOICES News, VOICES News 2024

The importance of maintaining sibling connections is well known. The reasons they are not kept together when removed from their home may not be as well understood. One of the most common reasons for separation is the lack of foster homes that can accommodate sibling groups, especially large ones. Or sometimes siblings enter foster care at different times.

CASA volunteers can be instrumental in seeing that siblings stay connected. One CASA volunteer found ways to connect the older sibling who had aged out with those still in foster care. Another accepted additional cases in order to advocate for all the siblings. Recently, VOICES hosted an Organ Stop pizza outing which helped bring siblings together to fill their stomachs and their hearts.

Said one CASA: “We will make Organ Stop a special occasion! I know they will enjoy it!”

DATA: Casey Foundation research indicates “that between 65% and 85% of children in foster care have a sibling in care and it is estimated that 53% to 80% of children with siblings are separated from one or more of their siblings.”

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March 15 (10:00 am)
Voices for CASA Children - 4300 North Miller Road 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
March 25 (06:00 pm)
Online Event


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