My CASA Journey – Building Trust

My CASA Journey – Building Trust

by | Dec 7, 2023 | CASA Help Guides, VOICES News, VOICES News 2023

CASA volunteers are often the only consistent adult a youth in foster care sees and each outing helps the CASA child feel heard and seen. It may take a variety of experiences for one to resonate and help the child or teen decide to talk openly.

One CASA after visiting the Musical Instrument Museum said: “My foster child (age 13) was a bit overwhelmed and quiet during the visit, but afterwards spontaneously expressed his appreciation for being able to see (and hear) so many instruments.”

Said another CASA: “Can’t thank you enough for these opportunities for her. This program has been a blessing to her and allows me so many opportunities to take her out and get to know her so much better than if we just went to a park or sat in her living room.”

Building trust for one volunteer meant finding a way to help her appointed child believe she would return since so many others had not. To build that trust, the CASA brought a simple charm bracelet for the child and provided a new charm at each visit. The charms brought giggling excitement at each visit, but more importantly became a visible reminder of the CASAs continued commitment.

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After completing this form you will be directed to the CASA volunteer application which is located on the CASA of Maricopa County website. If you have any questions please contact us at

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