That special moment when a child opens a gift and feels instant joy – when the child feels love instead of concern. The spontaneous holiday moments we hope will flow naturally this year actually requires advanced thought and planning. One example of holiday readiness is the 2023 Voices for CASA Children toy drive that is taking place now.
The VOICES Toy Drive isn’t just about collecting toys. It is about creating a sense of normalcy and giving these children the ability to experience the same excitement and wonder as other children during the holiday season.
With a CASA volunteer by their side, these children will receive new, age appropriate gifts and an opportunity to feel special and valued. The interaction also fosters a closer bond between the child and the CASA volunteer. Strengthening this connection to the one consistent adult in the child’s life helps build resilience needed through the holiday season.
This would not be possible without the support VOICES receives from the local Arizona community and we thank you for that! VOICES encourages individuals and organizations to come together to make a positive impact in the lives of these children this upcoming holiday season.
Check out the VOICES Toy Drive wish list.