Community & Youth Connections – Things To Do This Holiday Season

Community & Youth Connections – Things To Do This Holiday Season

by | Dec 22, 2023 | VOICES News, VOICES News 2023

While the holidays can be particularly difficult for youth living in foster care, CASA volunteers are trained and sensitively building new memories with their appointed youth through festive outings and special time together.

Given the caring generosity of our supporters and community partners, children are experiencing some much-needed joy, wonder (and fun!) through such experiences as:

To CASA Volunteers: Thank you for being a beautiful light not only this holiday season but throughout the child’s journey while they are away from home. Through your steadfast commitment and advocacy, you are sharing with these youth that they are worthy of time, valued, and seen.

For our community of supporters: Thank you for making these opportunities and their hope possible; we are grateful for the difference you make in the lives of foster children and families.

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Volunteer to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate

Be a voice for youth in foster care.

What is a CASA?

Upcoming Events

March 15 (10:00 am)
Voices for CASA Children - 4300 North Miller Road 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
March 25 (06:00 pm)
Online Event


Thank you for your interest in becoming a CASA.

After completing this form you will be directed to the CASA volunteer application which is located on the CASA of Maricopa County website. If you have any questions please contact us at

Thank you! You will now be directed to the CASA application. Feel free to call us during business hours - (480) 685-4888.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a CASA.

After completing this form you will be directed to the CASA volunteer application which is located on the CASA of Maricopa County website. If you have any questions please contact us at

Thank you! You will now be directed to the CASA application. Feel free to call us during business hours - (480) 685-4888.

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