Many schools are out for Fall break and families in the valley are adjusting their schedules as the holidays are just around the corner. For youth in foster care, this time of the year can be especially challenging. As Bruce Perry stated, “The capacity to successfully...
CASA Help Guides
In Focus: AZ Department of Child Safety
Why it matters: CASA volunteers must remain politically neutral when executing their CASA duties. They are appointed by Juvenile Court Judges and bound by Judicial protocols. However, they need to be aware and understand how changes in judicial policy and/or...
My CASA Journey – Creating a Connection
CASA volunteers provide a voice during sometimes scary and complex moments in a foster child’s life experience. Creating a new connection with a child or teen isn’t always easy. Experiences such as going for ice cream, flying a kite, or choosing a movie help a CASA...
Strengthening Advocacy Through Education
With the ever-evolving field of child welfare, it’s important that CASA volunteers remain informed and equipped to best support the youth they serve. That is why the education program is a vital component of what we do at VOICES. We offer online and in-person...
Build Your Own Backpack Day, 2023
The 10-year-old walked in and headed straight to the Mario Bros. backpack and exclaimed, “This is the one!” The teen girl hugged a princess pink backpack and smiled. We cheered her on saying, "You do YOU! Select any one you want." During Build-Your-Own Backpack Day,...
My CASA Journey, First Moments: Hope Bags
A CASA’s journey begins with the first visit with the child. A “child” who might be a three-month-old baby girl or a 17-year-old male teen. To help create an icebreaker, CASA volunteers provide a “hope bag” consisting of a handmade quilt, an age-appropriate toy and a...
A CASA’s Guide to Virtual Volunteering in Phoenix
What are some of the initial steps to becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)? Here are the first to-dos from the paperwork and interview to the pre-service training needed to be a voice for foster children.
Combating Childhood Trauma
What are some of the initial steps to becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)? Here are the first to-dos from the paperwork and interview to the pre-service training needed to be a voice for foster children.
Looking to Help in Arizona’s Foster Care System? How to Choose the Right Organization to Volunteer For
What are some of the initial steps to becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)? Here are the first to-dos from the paperwork and interview to the pre-service training needed to be a voice for foster children.
5 Reasons to Become a Foster Care Volunteer
What are some of the initial steps to becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)? Here are the first to-dos from the paperwork and interview to the pre-service training needed to be a voice for foster children.