CASA Help Guides
Podcast: Nurturing Birth Parent Connections with Ashley Mitchell
Podcast: Fostering Healing Through Connection with Dafna Lender, LCSW
My CASA Journey (Feb 2024)
As a CASA Volunteer, you never know what unique needs you uncover as you get to know your appointed child. Sometimes it is identifying the gaps such as a bank account for a minor or a kinship placement that is low on diapers. Or unique situations such as the child who...
Strengthening Advocacy Through Education
Many people have heard of the fight, flight, freeze, or fawn phenomenon. This survival instinct was developed over time to protect ourselves and ensure the continuation of the human species. But what happens when this instinct becomes maladaptive? Children who have...
My CASA Journey – Advocating for Older Youth
Advocating for Older Youth: When a CASA is appointed to an older teen, the advocacy timeline intensifies knowing a youth is headed to adulthood. After experiencing trauma, and often multiple placements, they are now at risk of leaving foster care without a permanent...
My CASA Journey – Building Trust
CASA volunteers are often the only consistent adult a youth in foster care sees and each outing helps the CASA child feel heard and seen. It may take a variety of experiences for one to resonate and help the child or teen decide to talk openly. One CASA after visiting...
Strengthening Advocacy Through Education – Supporting Youth in Times of Transition
Many schools are out for Fall break and families in the valley are adjusting their schedules as the holidays are just around the corner. For youth in foster care, this time of the year can be especially challenging. As Bruce Perry stated, “The capacity to successfully...
In Focus: AZ Department of Child Safety
Why it matters: CASA volunteers must remain politically neutral when executing their CASA duties. They are appointed by Juvenile Court Judges and bound by Judicial protocols. However, they need to be aware and understand how changes in judicial policy and/or...
My CASA Journey – Creating a Connection
CASA volunteers provide a voice during sometimes scary and complex moments in a foster child’s life experience. Creating a new connection with a child or teen isn’t always easy. Experiences such as going for ice cream, flying a kite, or choosing a movie help a CASA...