Service Partners
Service Partners
Child Welfare organizations who collaborate with VOICES and provide services to the foster care community.
The Foster Alliance
The Foster Alliance (originally Arizona Helping Hands) assists foster families who have filled the role to provide a safe, loving environment for children in the Department of Child Safety system. AHH programs are designed to provide many basic needs for these boys and girls.
The Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation promotes the self-esteem and enriches the lives of Arizona’s children in foster care by funding social, athletic and educational activities and items that provide them with quality experiences while they live through very difficult circumstances.
Helen’s Hope Chest provides clothes, items, and a total shopping experience for kids in foster care. It is important that every youth who comes through its doors feels a sense of confidence, acceptance, and dignity. A boutique environment allows kids to choose their favorite items and feel like they are shopping at a regular store.
Prevent Child Abuse Arizona is dedicated to strengthening families and protecting children through collaboration, education, and advocacy. PCA Arizona provides training, parenting education and prevention services to families, foster parents, child welfare professionals, social service providers, law enforcement, court personnel and the public.
Southwest Human Development strengthens the foundation that Arizona’s children need for a great start in life. In partnership with families, Southwest Human Development provides children with the care, attention and support needed to set them on a path to success in school and life, and help them reach their fullest capabilities.