Child Welfare Advocacy
Celebrating Family Reunification
Each year, thousands of Arizona’s children are reunified with their families after being in foster care.

Each year thousands of Arizona’s children are reunified with their families after being in foster care. They return to a home they know with caregivers and parents who love them and can now keep them safe. These moms and dads, who encountered struggles due to poverty, addiction and perhaps their own childhood traumas, have diligently embraced change and are able to make better decisions by keeping the needs of their children top priority. Unfortunately, these courageous moms and dads often face negative social bias at a time when they need support not judgement.
In Maricopa County, there is a child welfare collaboration that is helping to raise awareness of the positive impact reunified families have in our communities. Since 2014, the Family Reunification Day Committee has been honoring select Reunified Families during National Family Reunification month in June. The committee is comprised of various family welfare constituents such as Casey Families, Prevent Child Abuse-AZ as well as attorneys, judicial representatives, The Department of Child Safety and The Governor’s Office of Youth Faith and Family. Together, we are now striving to strengthen understanding and support for reunified families every day.
VOICES will continue to participate in this crucial endeavor and support CASA Volunteers as they advocate for outcomes that are in the best interest of the child,
Learn more about family reunification and be part of the support network by visiting the Governor’s Office of Youth Faith and Family – Family Reunification page.
Legislation & Policy
Voices for CASA Children does not lobby the legislature nor engage in political debate. However, we do stay informed regarding legislation being introduced that may have an impact on the child advocacy role and the child welfare framework overall. VOICES will engage with legislators and policy influencers to educate and provide insight regarding obvious impacts and unintended consequences. We also collaborate with other child welfare partners to ensure we understand implications more holistically. VOICES can then better prepare for change, such as offer a training session for CASA volunteers, etc.
VOICES is also a member of various advisory councils and committees that influence policy outside the legislative arena.
Child Welfare Collaboration
VOICES believes in the power of collaboration. Our ability to enhance the CASA Volunteer experience comes from a combination of direct support and by leveraging the programs already in place with other organizations serving foster children, families, and volunteers. We connect with this child welfare community as we execute our day-to-day mission as well as during times of change. Our broader collaboration includes CASA programs and support organizations across the nation. Exchanging ideas on how we are navigating policy changes, environmental changes and even pandemic impacts helps us all and keeps our support network resilient.
A Strong Non-Profit Community
Non-Profit Organizations must have community support and the proper regulatory framework in order to thrive. Limiting obstacles and creating opportunities for NPOs will help make Arizona stronger. VOICES stays abreast of issues impacting the NPO community in Arizona so we can maintain compliance with laws and protect our mission.