To reach more youth who will need a CASA volunteer in the future, it is imperative that we grow our network of supporters. There are many generous and socially-minded businesses in Arizona who actively encourage employees to be involved in the betterment of their...
In The News
Voices for CASA Children News & Press Releases
My CASA Journey – Advocating for Older Youth
Advocating for Older Youth: When a CASA is appointed to an older teen, the advocacy timeline intensifies knowing a youth is headed to adulthood. After experiencing trauma, and often multiple placements, they are now at risk of leaving foster care without a permanent...
In The Spotlight – Information Sessions
The New Year brings new hope and opportunities. If you think this year might be the time to learn more about becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate, we are excited to have you attend an Information Session. Every month Voices For CASA Children hosts Information...
Voices of Hope – Living and Learning
Life is a wonder every day. Cherish the lessons of the past and use them as a springboard for a bold future. Reach for the stars and get ready to learn even more! Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) combine academia, peer collaboration and life experiences to be...